Boza Vendors on Winter Nights
When winter comes, the sounds of boza vendors echo in the streets of Sakarya. Boza is one of the oldest and most traditional Turkish drinks. The traveller named Ibn Battuta mentions boza, a drink consumed by Turks, in his travel book he wrote in the early 14th century.
Boza is a popular choice of drink especially on cold winter days. Slightly sour, sweet and with thick consistency; boza is one of Sakarya's and also Türkiye’s favourite tastes. Originating in Central Asia and made by fermentation of wheat, but it’s also made from corn in some regions. After the millet or corn is fermented by boiling it with water, it is then cooled, filtered, mixed with sugar and left for a few days.
Doğançay Waterfalls
Karagöl Plateau
Doğançay Waterfalls
Turnalı Plateau
Uludere Waterfall
Madenler Waterfall
Doğancıl Plateau
Karander Waterfall
Sapanca Lake
Madenler Waterfall
Sapanca Lake
Kanlıçay Waterfall
Karacadere Waterfall